Monday, November 5, 2012

Japanese Concentration Camps

Japanese Concentration Camps


                It seems to me that President Roosevelt learned a little from Nazi Germany, when he too, decided to isolate Japanese American’s (majority all legal aliens or citizens) into concentration camps during WWII. President Roosevelt is often remembered for being a compassionate loving president, in fact it is said that stuffed teddy bears are nicknamed after him (teddy). However, President Roosevelt issued an Executive Order 9066, the day after the Pearl Harbor attacks. This order forced 120,000 people of Japanese ancestry into concentration camps, half of which were children (pbs)! The fear was that these families could have been Japanese spies. However, even after the people in charge learned that not even one of the families were guilty of espionage they were still kept in the camps.  

                My question is what was the real reasoning for the concentration camps? Was this some sick way of trying to get back at Japan, by making Japanese American’s suffer? Cruelty was shown to these people who probably considered themselves loyal Americans, and probably was devastated about the Pearl Harbor attacks as well. I don’t see how attacking our own American Citizens, helped the cause any. It seems as though the government and Presidents during WWII had little regard towards the Japanese as people. The fact that President Roosevelt did this to innocent Japanese Americans, who were considered our own, comes as no surprise that they sent a nuclear bomb to destroy innocent Japanese. It seems as though racism played a factor in WWII. Just as whites lynched African Americans in the south to keep them in their place, the government (primarily if not all white at that time) sent nuclear bombs to keep the Japanese in theirs.  Without this dehumanizing of the Japanese, would Americans have initially agreed so heavily with President Truman dropping the nuclear bombs?


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